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Conveyancing Team Members

  • Wayne Choi, Henry Chung

Low Cost Hong Kong Legal Service

  • For Enquiries, please call 6419-9999
    Divorce: $5000
    Separation Agreement: $2000
    Bankruptcy: $4500
    Sale of Property: $4500-$8000
    Notary Public: from $1000
    Purchase of Property: $5500-$8000
    Mortgage/Refinancing of Property: $4500
    Redemption of Property: $1800
    Deed Poll: $500
    Power of Attorney:$800
    Wills: $1000
    Civil Celebrant of Marriages: $1900. Visit www.hkm.mobi
    We have 20 Hong Kong Lawyers, 10 Law Offices.

Choose Our Civil Celebrants

  • Law Office Wedding Ceremony